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Lexington County Announces 2020 Employee of the Year

Mon, 05/17/2021

The County of Lexington is saying a huge congratulations to our 2020 Employee of the Year - Lexington County Sheriff's Department SRO Andrew Chaves!  Andrew Chaves, 2020 Employee of the Year

Andrew is the SRO for Red Bank and White Knoll elementary schools. Each day, Andrew raises and lowers the U.S. flag for whichever school he is assigned to. He is even teaching a Cub Scout how to do it properly. Andrew usually goes above and beyond his normal duties, even helping to keep the grass cut during his time off when the groundskeeper for Red Bank Elementary School was sick and unable to do so. He also assumed the lead role in renovating the central outside courtyard area of Red Bank Elementary on his time off. The area is now a more useful and attractive space for students, staff and visitors.

Andrew gave even more of his off-duty time to add the “Tree of Hope” to the courtyard, which was aimed at bringing hope and joy to the students during a very trying and uncertain year. Andrew has also been seen comforting a child on the playground who was too afraid to climb down a rock wall, assisting with the delivery of backpack meals for students, and returning to school after he had already left to assist a family who had locked their keys in the car while their small child was still in it.

His continuous efforts to make the schools he serves a better place help to instill in the students he serves a sense of trust with law enforcement. Among his many other noble deeds, Andrew has immersed himself and epitomizes what it means to be a school resource officer. His positive impact on the youth he serves and his willingness to go above and beyond his badge made him Employee of the Year!