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Lexington County administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Native American Program

This program is a wonderfully interesting way to learn about the culture of the early Cherokee Indians in the Lexington area.  The children touch various animal hides, teeth and claws from black bears, foxes, deer, raccoons and rabbits.  Baskets, food, hunting, fishing, clothing, and pottery are shown and discussed.  An animal-tracks game teaches children to identify the paw prints that Cherokee children saw every day.  Each child gets to make their own clay pinch pot to take back to their class.NatAm


The second half of the program has the guide telling the children early Cherokee stories about animals to which the guide uses music and hand puppets.  A ceremonial dance takes place in which the children participate by wearing masks, dancing and playing musical instruments such as the drums, hawk bells and turtle rattles.  After the dance, the children participate in various Native American games such as Lacrosse, Chunkee, and others which test hand to eye coordination. 


These two hours are sure to provide great enjoyment and give good insight into the Cherokee culture.  This program is available during morning hours only.  It is free to groups thanks to the generosity of the Cultural Council of Richland and Lexington Counties.

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To schedule a group visit or to learn more about our educational programs, please contact the Coordinator of Visitor Services at 803-359-8369.