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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Litter and the Law

What are the state penalties for littering in South Carolina?

The Minimum fine is $200 plus court assessments. *

The Maximum fine is $1,087 plus court assessments. *

Guilty convictions can lead to jail time between 30 days to one year. The court will also impose community service litter clean-up hours.


* $200 is the minimum fine in South Carolina for littering any amount less than 15 pounds. This penalty can carry a maximum fine of $300*, and a minimum of 15 hours litter-gathering labor.


For any amount of litter over 15 pounds and less than 500 pounds, there is a $200-$500 fine, mandatory community service, and a possible prison sentence not to exceed 90 days.


Penalties for ILLEGAL DUMPING or the discarding of litter or garbage in an area not intended for that use, has a fine of $1,000 and a minimum of 15 hours litter-gathering labor.


*In South Carolina, there is a 100% assessment on all state litter tickets, plus court fees. 

Click here for SC Litter Laws, Section 16-11-700.


Lexington County Litter Collection Programs

  • Keep the Midlands Beautiful - has volunteer opportunities available which range from a 
                                                                 few hours to quarterly commitments.
              Great American Cleanup   -   Adopt-a-Highway   -    Adopt-A-Waterway
  • Sheriff's Department - uses services of low-level offenders from the Lexington County Detention Center to pick up trash from county roadways. Inmates pick up litter by hand from essentially any primary and secondary road that have been identified as problem areas or are recommended by resident deputies.  Pickup service does not include private property and interstate highways. 
  • Solid Waste Management - established a new Litter Collection Crew approved by the Lexington County Council to pickup trash from problematic roadways and from roadsides leading to Collection and Recycling Collection Centers and the landfill.