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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Building Permits

Building Inspection

To request an inspection, you may utilize any of the following methods:

Phone:  You may schedule an inspection by calling 803-785-8130.  Requests of inspection need to be received at least one business day prior to the desired date.  Normal business hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Fax:  You can schedule an inspection by faxing 803-785-5186.  Faxed requests must be received at least one business day prior to the desired date.  Once your inspection has been successfully scheduled, you will receive a faxed confirmation.

E-Mail:  You can schedule an inspection by E-mailing  E-mail requests must be received at least one business day prior to the desired date.  Once your inspection has been successfully scheduled, you will receive an E-mail confirmation.  Please be sure your e-mail includes the building permit number, type of inspection requested, date desired, a contact name and telephone number.

Online:  Lexington County Building Inspections utilizes a permitting and inspections service called BluePrince.  This online service can be utilized to schedule inspections as well as monitoring any construction project from application through building completion.  The service is free to use for contractors, licensed by the state of South Carolina, working on projects in Lexington County.  To sign up for this online service, please see one of the customer service clerks for additional information or online at the Building Department Website.


Printable Forms

Commercial Building Permit Application (PDF)

Commercial Building Permit Submittals 2024 (PDF)

Construction Documents Affidavit(PDF)

Residential Building Permit Application (PDF)

Documents Required for Residential Plan Review 2024 (PDF)

Sub-Contractor Permit Application (PDF)

Building Code Ordinance(PDF)


Building Code Board of Appeals

Residential Building Codes Brochure