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Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM 


Ground level ozone (a.k.a. smog) is formed when elements from the exhaust Smogin cars, trucks, industries and electric utility plants react in sunlight and heat. Ozone is more prevalent in the summer months because conditions are favorable to its formation.


How Ozone Can Affect Your Health:

  • Irritate the respiratory system; 
  • Reduce lung function;
  • Aggravate asthma and other lung diseases. 

Those At Risk to Ozone Exposure:

  • Adults and children participating in outdoor activities;
  • Adults who work outdoors;
  • People with asthma or other respiratory diseases.  

During the ozone season (April through October) individuals can sign up to receive ozone forecasts.  Click here to sign up for these updates.

Lexington County has been proactive in its efforts to reduce ground level ozone by participating in the Early Action Compact (EAC).  The EAC allowed the County to focus on local solutions to local air quality issues before federally mandated to do so.  The County was designated by the EPA as attaining the 1997 ground level ozone standard and recognized by the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control in February 2008 for its air quality initiatives through its participation in the EAC.


In March of 2008 the EPA lowered the federal government’s standard for ground level ozone to .075 parts per million (ppm.)  The new standard is designed to protect public health and the environment.  The Central Midlands area now is faced with trying to attain the new ground level ozone standard.  Lexington County is continuing to look at new ways to improve air quality and meet the challenge of the new ozone standard.


For more information contact Synithia Williams at 803-785-8634 or