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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM 


The County of Lexington experienced catastrophic levels of rainfall due to the October 2015 Flood event. Intense rain along with breached dams and converging creeks and tributaries produced historic flooding, forcing many citizens to seek emergency shelter. Ultimately, the flood caused millions of dollars in damages to homes, businesses and county infrastructure.

Due to the flooding disaster, the County of Lexington was allocated $15,185,000 under Public Law 115-123. CDBG-MIT is a new grant program from HUD intended to relieve the repetitive cycle of disaster relief allocations to often impacted areas of the country. The Federal Register Notice, 84 FR 45838 outlines the requirements and expectations that HUD places on its grantees specific to CDBG-MIT funds. These funds are commonly referred to as Community Development Block Grant – Mitigation or CDBG - MIT funds. As required by the CDBG-MIT federal register, a detailed action plan will be submitted to HUD for approval. Once approved, the allocated CDBG-MIT grant funds can be released to the county.  To ensure that the CDBG – MIT program effectively serves the needs of the Citizens of the county, amendments to that action plan can be submitted in accordance with Federal Laws and Regulations.


Notices & Announcements

Due to Covid-19, we are currently seeing applicants by appointment only. To schedule an appointment contact 803-785-8121.

To view Lexington County Solicitation Opportunities, click here