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Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program (TBRA)

**The Program is Temporarily Closed **

Due to the amount of applications that were received, the TBRA program is temporarily closed and on a waiting list. Please continue to check our website to see when it re-opens.

Program Overview

The TBRA Program is a federally funded program through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program. It provides assistance to individual households and families to help them afford rental housing costs within Lexington County such as rent, security and utility deposits. TBRA cannot assist with past due rent and all applicants must enter into a new lease agreement.

In most cases, households will pay 30% of their adjusted income toward the rent for an approved apartment and Lexington County’s TBRA rental assistance program will cover the rest of the rent. (“Adjusted income” means a household’s income after deductions that are allowed under the program.) The program is income based and the household income must be at or below the 60% Area Median Income (AMI). The apartment must pass HQS or NSPIRE inspection and the tenant(s) must be a citizen of the United States.

To be eligible for assistance through the County’s Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program (TBRA), applicants must meet HUD’s income requirements listed below:

Number of 

Household Members


Allowable Income



Source: U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. Figures on this 2024 charts are subject to change without notice, as calculated by HUD.


Property and Occupancy Standards

Lexington County will reference the following chart in determining the appropriate size for a family:

Bedroom Size

Persons in Household 


1 Bedroom 1-2
2 Bedrooms2-4
3 Bedrooms3-6
4 Bedrooms4-8
5 Bedrooms6-10


To submit your TBRA Pre-Screening Application, see the following options below:

Email to –

Fax to – (803) 785-8188

Mail/Drop off  – Community Development/Grants Division
212 South Lake Drive Suite 401
Lexington, SC 29072