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Lexington County Administrative offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of the Presidents' Day holiday.
Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM 

Friends of the Museum

The Friends’ Mission…

To enhance the Lexington County Museum through its duly appointed commission and to support, aid and assist in the improvement and expansion of the Museum.         

The Friends is a non-profit group founded in 1997 with an advisory board, officers, and a board of trustees representing all municipalities in the county.  The Friends sponsors fund-raising projects to help further the Museum’s valuable contribution to the county. See below for upcoming events.            

The Museum opened in 1970 as a cooperative effort by Lexington County government and the Lexington County Historical Society to collect, preserve, display, and research objects pertaining to our county’s history.  It is located on Fox Street in the heart of Lexington.


Friends’ Past Contributions

“Remembering…Gibson’s Pond” Fundraiserfriends of museum

January 21, 2006

Raised $12,000

“Remembering…Hite’s Restaurant” Fundraiser     

January 20, 2007

Raised $14,675

“Remembering…Jaycees’ Snowball Dance” Fundraiser

January 19, 2008

Raised $17,214


Spent for the Museum

$113,000 provided for moving, restoration, & furnishing of Leaphart-Harman House (pictured above)

$  20,000 for antique rifles

$ 13,000 for restoration of Daniel Koon House

$ 18,000 for rifle/gun case & restoration of 1857 coach

$ 12,200 for the restoration of Ellen's Quarters $ 11,000 for the restoration of the Fox House Breezeways


For information on how to join the Friends of the Lexington County Museum, please call 803-359-8369 or email J.R. Fennell at


Download a Friends of the Lexington County Museum Application (PDF).