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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Curbside Collection

HOW to Sign Up for Curbside Service

Curbside service is available for all residents in Lexington County.  If you live within the limits of a city or town, please contact the appropriate municipality (listed below with links) to sign up for service.  If you live outside town or city limits (i.e. in the unincorporated area of Lexington County), please use the Solid Waste Curbside Service District Map to find out which company contracts with the County of Lexington to provide service to your area.  Then, contact them directly to establish service, obtain, replace or return collection containers, arrange payment of fees, etc.  Prices are shown below. 


*** Solid Waste Curbside Service District map***


Not Sure who your provider is? Click HERE

Service Providers/Hauler Names and Numbers
Capital Waste Services (CWS)803-814-0040
GFL Environmental (Waste Industries) 803-935-0249
New South Waste (Tyler Sanitation)803-626-9000


Incorporated Towns

If you live within the limits of a town or city in Lexington County, please contact the appropriate municipality below with questions about your curbside service. NOTE: Those who were previously serviced by Advanced Disposal are now serviced by Waste Management (WM) and you can contact them at: 803-256-7276

Batesburg-Leesville    CayceChapinGaston
IrmoLexingtonPine RidgeSouth Congaree
SpringdaleSwansea       West Columbia       


Recycling Weeks

If you receive every-other-week curbside recycling pick-up, see the table below for your pick up schedule.

2025 Recycling Weeks Calendar




Printable PDF -Lexington County Unincorporated Areas Recycling Weeks Calendar 2025-COLOR

Printable PDF -Lexington County Unincorporated Areas Recycling Weeks Calendar 2025-BLACK & WHITE






Free App!

If you live in an unincorporated area of Lexington County (i.e. outside the limits of a town)...

Use the Lexington County SC Solidwaste App to:

  • Search an address to view your curbside collection schedule;
  • Print your collection schedule;
  • Sign up for weekly notifications by email, phone, or text message;
  • Receive notifications of delayed service due to unusual weather;
  • Receive notifications of Special Recycling Drop-off Events; and
  • Find out how to recycle or discard of any item. 

You can download the app from your mobile store or by clicking on the app name below:

Lexington County SC SOLID WASTE


WHAT Is Collected Curbside


Trash Bag
Household Garbage
  • Picked up weekly
  • Bag materials and place in container provided to minimize roadside litter during pick up and transportation to the transfer station and landfill.
  • Materials may include:
    • food (if not composted);
    • small, loose materials (palm size or smaller);
    • plastic bags and plastic film (if not reused or recycled at local stores);
    • Styrofoam (if not recycled at Publix);
    • take out food and beverage containers;
    • Other non-recyclable materials.
Yard Waste Bag
Yard Waste
  • Picked up weekly (except in Districts 5 and 6 rural areas)
  • Bag materials (in plastic or paper), put them in a separate container or place them neatly in a pile or bundle at the curb.
  • Materials may include any item produced in the yard including leaves, weeds, grass clippings, shrub clippings, straw, mulch, etc.
  • NOTE: If you want these materials to be recycled into mulch or compost, they must be taken to a Collection and Recycling Center with a CLEAN WOOD WASTE container or to the Edmund Landfill's compost facility.
Recycling Bin


  • Picked up every other week (except in Districts 5 and 6 rural areas)
  • Place all materials loosely in the container provided.  Do not bag materials or put any plastic bags in the bin.
  • Materials may include (1) paper and cardboard, (2) plastic containers, (3) metal cans and (4) glass bottles and jars (except in the Town of Irmo, the Town of Lexington and the City of Cayce).  See additional information provided below.






Bulk Items
  • Contact your hauler to arrange a special pick-up of bulk items (such as furniture or mattresses) for a fee or hire a private company to assist with transportation or see the list of charities provided below, some of which will pick up materials.  If you live within the limits of a town, contact the Public Works department of your municipality to make arrangements for the pick up of bulk items.  Don't know who your hauler is? Enter your address HERE for contact details. 

DonateA list of some charitable groups in the area with contact information, what they accept and whether or not they provide pick-up service is provided here



WHAT Is Accepted in Curbside Recycling Containers?

Use the information in the chart below or use the Waste Wizard feature on the FREE "Lexington County SC Solid Waste" App downloaded from your smartphone or found here, to determine acceptable items.

Lexington County SC Solidwaste - Waste Wizard






  • Cardboard boxes, flattened
  • Cartons, food and beverage, flattened with plastic lids discarded
  • Books, catalogs and phone books, soft covered (not hard covered)
  • Envelopes, plastic windows acceptable, padding not acceptable
  • Greeting cards
  • Inserts and coupons, larger than 2" x 2"
  • Lottery Tickets
  • Magazines
  • Newspapers
  • Office paper, any weight and color
  • Paper bags
  • Pizza boxes without food or excessive grease
  • Spiral Paperboard containers (peanut containers, drink mix, chips)
  • Tetrapaks
  • Unwanted mail
  • Wrapping paper, plain, no glitter or foil


  • Diapers
  • Disposable plates, cups
  • Shredded paper
  • Small pieces that fit in your hand
  • Tissue paper, paper towels, napkins
  • Waxed products (e.g. ice cream containers)


Plastic Containers


  • Bottles, jugs, jars and other containers, emptied, rinsed, screw on lids reattached, pop-off lids discarded


  • Hoses, hangers or other long, thin items
  • Medicine bottles (recycle at pharmacies or veterinarian offices)
  • Plastic bags or plastic film (e.g. produce bags, sandwich bags, bread loaf bags, dry cleaning bags - take to local stores or to County Collection and Recycling Centers and place in roll carts provided to be recycled separately.)
  • Pop-off lids
  • Rigid plastics (buckets, folding tables, kids' toys - take to "yard waste" container at Collection and Recycling Center)
  • Straws
  • Syringes (put in sealed plastic container in household garbage)
Metal Cans


Metal Cans


  • Aluminum drink cans, emptied and rinsed, not flattened, tabs attached
  • Steel and tin food cans, emptied and rinsed, not flattened, lids attached or inserted with a dented side (or lids discarded)
  • Aerosol (spray) cans,  emptied, plastic cap and nozzle discarded


  • Aluminum foil or pans
  • Automotive parts
  • Electronics or cords
  • Pots or pans


Glass Bottles and Jars


  • Bottles, jugs, and jars emptied, rinsed, caps and lids discarded


  • Flat/plate, treated glass including but not limited to:
    • Ceramics
    • Dishware
    • Mirrors
    • Windows


What is NOT Accepted in Curbside Recycling Bins

  • Take them to the Edmund Landfill, Lexington County's Special Recycling Drop-Off opportuities or to participating local stores to be recycled


Light Bulbs


Fluorescent and CFL Light Bulbs
  • Take to one of the eleven Collection and Recycling Centers, Edmund Landfill or local stores to be recycled.
  • Fluorescent and CFL Bulbs up to 4 Foot long are accepted.
  • Bulbs longer than 4 foot need to be brought to the Edmund Landfill.
  • Discard other bulbs (fluorescent, incandescent, non-mercury containing 20-120W bulbs) in household garbage.
  • Bulbs containing mercury need to be brought to a Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off. 


Paint Can


Household Hazardous Waste
  • Take to Lexington County's Special Recycling Drop-Off Opportunities when Household Hazardous Waste is being accepted or see alternative disposal instructions here




Items Smaller Than 2" in Diameter
  • Put in household garbage





Medical Waste
  • Mix crushed up pills with an undesirable material such as coffee grounds or cat litter and discard in tightly sealed bags in household garbage or ask your doctor or pharmacy for advice. 
  • Lexington County Sheriff's Department Community Action Team facilitates the Project Rid-A-Med to assist citizens to properly dispose of unwanted prescription medications.  See this list of Lexington County Collection Sites for medications.


    The Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) also provides helpful information in Proper Disposing of Unwanted Medicine.


  • Needles should be sealed in a plastic container with a screw on lid (e.g. a laundry detergent bottle) but should never be put in a recycling bin.


  • Best practices for medical waste such as blood etc. are to put these items in a labeled biohazard bag (usually red) and to dispose of them in your household trash. The minimum request is to ensure the bag is sealed, but DHEC does not regulate this type of waste in SC currently. DHEC does provide stickers to label waste should you like to request them, you can do so here: DHEC LINK
Plastic Bag


Plastic Bags, Film & Packaging
  • Take stretchy plastics to local stores to be recycled, reuse them or put in household garbage
  • Bring them to your nearest Collection and Recycling Center and place in plastic bag and film containers provided.



Scrap Metal


Scrap Metal
  • Take to Collection and Recycling Centers or to the Edmund Landfill to be recycled



Shredded Paper


Shredded Paper
  • Take to Collection and Recycling Centers to recycle with "office paper" or put in household garbage




  • Take containers and egg cartons to Publix to be recycled or put in household garbage (no packing material!)






 Want more information about what not to recycle?  Read DHEC's DIRTY DOZEN handout.


WHEN to Place Materials at the Curb

Unless specified otherwise by your service provider, all containers/material must be at the curb by 6:30 am on collection day.


HOW to Place Materials at the Curb

If your materials are picked up by:

Capital Waste Services -  Place your containers with the handles towards your house and the side of the lid that opens towards the street so that the arm on the truck can grab the metal bar and pick up the container.  Place containers on the street.  Make sure that there is a three foot clearance between each container and any other object (including cars, mail boxes, other containers, etc.).

Tyler's Sanitation - Most trucks require that containers be hand loaded so place your containers with the handles facing the street so that employees can quickly and easily pull them towards the truck.  Containers may be placed on the street, on your driveway or on your grass at the edge of the street. 

GFL Environmental (Waste Industries) - Most trucks require that containers be hand loaded so place your containers with the handles facing the street so that employees can quickly and easily pull them towards the truck.  Containers may be placed on the street, on your driveway or on your grass at the edge of the street. 

Some GFL trucks use an automated arm to load trucks.  If your area is serviced by one of these, place your containers with the handles towards your house and the side of the lid that opens towards the street so that the arm on the truck can grab the metal bar and pick up the container.  Place containers on the street.  Make sure that there is a three foot clearance between each container and any other object (including cars, mail boxes, other containers, etc.).


WHAT IF I Can't Get My Container to the Curb?

Participants who have a verifiable medical or physical disability that prevent them placing their containers and yard waste at the curb on a weekly basis and who have no one else in the household who are able to place containers/materials at the curb, may submit a completed Medical/Physical Disability Verification Form to the Director of Lexington County Solid Waste Management to request a waiver. With an approved waiver, the Contracted Service Provider will collect the roll cart container from a designated location adjacent to the house (e.g. in the backyard) , but not more than 50 feet from the curbline at the curbside rate.  Call the Lexington County Solid Waste Management department at (803) 755-3325 for additional information.


WHEN Is Curbside Service Provided and Not Provided? 

To receive weekly reminders by text, email or phone, download the free "Lexington County SC Solidwaste" app from the app store on your smartphone.  Curbside service is provided on the day assigned to your area Monday through Friday every day of the year except the following:

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Independence Day (July 4)
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Day (December 25)

No collection occurs on these holidays.  Curbside service will be delayed by one day during the weeks when these holidays occur and Friday's pick-up will take place on Saturday. 


If collection service is delayed due to severe weather or other emergencies, every effort will be made by the service providers and the County of Lexington to notify customers through the media, the 'County of Lexington' Facebook page, the County of Lexington's website and through "Lexington County SC Solidwaste" app notifications.  Download the free app from your smartphone now and never miss another notice.


Curbside Service Rates – 

Please see the Solid Waste District Map to find out which company provides service in your area. 

RATES CURRENTLY IN EFFECT (unless otherwise noted)


Curbside Franchise
Service Provider

Monthly Rate:

(Indicates Latest Increase Date)

District 1


Capital Waste Services    


Current Rates (October 2024):

 Curbside  $30.78/Mo.

 Backyard $45.49/Mo.

Additional Household or

Recycling Curbside Roll-Cart

(Urban area only) :+$5.18

Bulk Item Fee per unit: $36.23

District 2Waste Industries / GFL

Current Rates (January 2025):

Curbside             $24.05/mo.

Backyard            $48.10/mo.

Additional Garbage Roll Cart:


Recycling Curbside Roll-Cart

(Urban area only) : +$6.43/mo.

Bulk Item Fee:    $45.12/occurrence

District 3Waste Industries / GFL

Current Rates (October 2024):

Curbside             $20.62/mo.

Backyard            $41.20/mo.


Additional Household or Recycling Curbside Roll-Cart

(Urban area only) : +$6.43/mo.

Bulk Item Fee:    $45.12/occurrence

District 4

Waste Industries / GFL


(New South Waste /

 Tyler's Sanitation 

starting APRIL 1st, 2025)

Current Rates (January 2025):

Curbside             $24.05/mo.

Backyard            $48.10/mo.

Additional Garbage or Recycling Curbside Roll-Cart:


Bulk Item Fee:    $45.12/occurrence


New Rates (Effective April 1st, 2025) 

Curbside             $29.85/mo.

Backyard            $59.70/mo.

Additional Garbage or Recycling Curbside Roll-Cart:


Bulk Item Fee:    $35.00/occurrence

District 5





New South Waste


Tyler's Sanitation)





Current Rates (July 2024):

Urban Area:

Household, Yard and Recycling

Curbside            $35.36/mo.

Backyard            $70.70/mo.

Additional Household or

Recycling Curbside Roll-Cart

(Urban area only) : +$15.00/mo.

Bulk Item Fee:    $35.00/occurrence


Rural Area:

Household Garbage Service Only

Curbside            $35.36/mo.

Backyard           $70.70/mo.


Additional Household Curbside

Roll-Cart: $15.00/mo.

Bulk Item Fee:  $35.00/occurrence

District 6Capital Waste Services

Current Rates (January 2024):

Urban Area:

Household, Yard and Recycling

Curbside - $32.12/mo.

Backyard - $47.06/mo.

Additional Household OR

Recycling Curbside Roll-Cart

(Urban area only) : +$5.00/mo.

Bulk Item Fee:  $35.00/occurrence


Rural Area:

Household Garbage Service Only

Curbside - $31.10/mo.

Backyard - $57.58/mo.

Additional Household Garbage

Curbside Roll-Cart: + $5.00/mo.

Bulk Item Fee:  $35.00/occurrence

District 7Waste Industries / GFL

Current Rates (October 2024):

Curbside             $25.45/mo.

Backyard            $50.90/mo.


Additional Household or

Recycling Curbside Roll-Cart

(Urban area only) : +$6.43/mo.

Bulk Item Fee:    $45.01/occurrence


The County of Lexington works hard with each Franchise Service Provider to provide excellent service for our residents.  If you are not happy with your service, we want to know about it.  Please complete the Franchise Collection Complaint Form and submit it so that we can improve your curbside service.  Thank you.


Questions regarding residential curbside collection should be directed to the appropriate service provider:

Not Sure who your provider is? Click HERE

Service Providers/Hauler Names and Numbers
Capital Waste Services (CWS)803-814-0040
GFL Environmental (Waste Industries) 803-935-0249
Tyler Sanitation803-626-9000


If you have additional questions, please call the Lexington County Office of Solid Waste Management at (803) 755-3325.