Next Council Meeting
Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM
The role of the Lexington County LEPC is to form partnerships with local industries and governments as a resource for enhancing hazardous materials preparedness. The County is responsible for the integration of planning and response.
Members of the LEPC represent government and private organizations and industries in order to provide the expertise to advise on plan development and as well as planning and outreach capability.
General meetings are held quarterly and are open to the public. For information on dates and location of the LEPC general meetings please contact the Lexington County Emergency Management Office at 785-8343.
Local industries are urged to join the Lexington County LEPC by contacting the Emergency Management Office at 803-785-8343.
Chemicals are found everywhere. They purify drinking water, increase crop production, and simplify household chores. But chemicals also can be hazardous to humans or the environment if used or released improperly. Hazards can occur during production, storage, transportation, use, or disposal.
During a Hazardous Materials Incident:
Listen to local radio or television stations for detailed information and instructions. Follow the instructions carefully. You should stay away from the area to minimize the risk of contamination. Remember that some toxic chemicals are odorless.
Shelter Safety for Sealed Rooms Ten square feet of floor space per person will provide sufficient air to prevent carbon dioxide build-up for up to five hours, assuming a normal breathing rate while resting. However, local officials are unlikely to recommend the public shelter in a sealed room for more than 2-3 hours because the effectiveness of such sheltering diminishes with time as the contaminated outside air gradually seeps into the shelter. At this point, evacuation from the area is the better protective action to take. Also you should ventilate the shelter when the emergency has passed to avoid breathing contaminated air still inside the shelter.
Asked to evacuate
Do so immediately. |
Caught Outside |
Stay upstream, uphill, and upwind! In general, try to go at least one-half mile (usually 8-10 city blocks) from the danger area. Do not walk into or touch any spilled liquids, airborne mists, or condensed solid chemical deposits.
In a motor vehicle |
Stop and seek shelter in a permanent building. If you must remain in your car, keep car windows and vents closed and shut off the air conditioner and heater.
Requested to stay indoors |
Close and lock all exterior doors and windows. Close vents, fireplace dampers, and as many interior doors as possible.
Submittal of EPlans for Companies
Vacant, Emergency Manager
Phone: (803) 785-2836 FAX: (803) 785-6828
434 Ball Park Road
Lexington, S.C. 29072
Reports mailed to the State of South Carolina should be addressed to:
SCSERC EPCRA Reporting Point
Attn: Angel Thompson (Bureau of Air Quality)
2600 Bull St
Columbia, SC 29201
Resource: Zoning Ordinance / Regulations, Article 3
“Hazardous Materials are extremely hazardous substances identified on the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) 40 CFR Part 355-Appendix A, … present in amounts above the Threshold Planning Quantity. The Zoning Administrator will have the authority to identify explosive substances or materials as extremely hazardous substances/materials based on the particular chemistry, quantity, or irresponsible handling of the substances or materials.” Click here to see a list of hazardous materials.
Toxic Matter: “Materials or substances which, either singly or in combination with other materials or substances, through synergistic action, pose a threat to the health of human beings, either acutely or chronically.”
Hazardous Waste: “Materials or substances which are not biodegradable, and which, due to such fact, pose a threat to living organisms through chemical contamination of the ecosystem.”
“Hazardous Materials Handling includes any activity involving the storage, processing, manufacture, disposal, repackaging or distribution of hazardous materials as defined above.”
Any person or entity wishing to initiate, develop, or expand hazardous materials handling operations must demonstrate to the Board of Zoning Appeals that it has a responsible handling, inventory, and management plan, has an appropriate physical buffer from surrounding properties, has a safety and emergency response plan, has reasonable liability insurance coverage, and can demonstrate the ability to responsibly design and manage hazardous materials handling processes. The construction of onsite containment areas may be required.