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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of the Presidents' Day holiday.
Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM 

Procurement FAQs

Procurement Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does a vendor apply to be on the County's vendor list?
  • Does the County give preference to County of Lexington or South Carolina residents?
  • What are the County's minimum insurance requirements?
  • Can a contracted vendor employ illegal immigrants?
  • What are the County's solicitation procedures?
  • What are the sourcing options used by the County?
  • What are the County’s purchasing thresholds?
  • Are bid, performance and payment bonds required for all solicitations?
  • What if my bid is late?
  • How can a vendor access solicitation results?
  • What are the County's payment terms?
  • What days are checks mailed out?
  • Does the County pay sales tax?
  • How does the County dispose of surplus items?
  • How can I apply to the County Wrecker Rotation Service? 


How does a vendor apply to be on the County's vendor list?

Vendors must complete a Vendor Application and IRS Form W9.  Once received by the County, the vendor will be added to the database.  The forms must be filled out prior to any award. 

 To respond to a County solicitation, vendors must register in the County's e-Procurement system.


What are the County's minimum insurance requirements?

  • Workers' Compensation- Statutory, as required by the State of South Carolina. 
  • Comprehensive General Liability- $1,000,000 Single Limit



Contractual Liability

Independent Contractors

Personal Injury

Products-Completed Operations

  •  Automobile Liability - $1,000,000 All Owned, Non-Owned, and Hired


  • In accordance with the South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act, 2008, Act No. 280. Section 3 of this Act added to Chapter 14 to Title 8 of the South Carolina Code of Laws prohibits covered persons from entering into covered contracts unless the contractor agrees either (a) to verify all new employees through the federal work authorization program [and requires the same from subcontractors and sub-subcontractors] or (b) to employ only qualifying workers. Effectively, the Act also requires contractors to agree to provide any documentation required to establish either (a) that the Act does or does not apply to the contractor, subcontractor, or sub-subcontractor; or (b) that the contractor, and any subcontractor or sub-subcontractor, are in compliance with Section 3 of the Act.”  

What are the County's solicitation procedures?

  • Requesting Department submits specifications to Procurement

  • Procurement sends solicitation announcements to vendors and advertises the solicitation on the South Carolina Business Opportunities (SCBO) website, and the County website.

  • Vendor must submit response with all applicable information and forms via the County's e-Procurement system.

  • Procurement opens responses and submits copies to end user for review.

  • Intent of Award to the vendor is issued and listed on County website after department recommendation (7-10  days).

  •  If the recommended award amount is over $50,000.00, the purchase must be approved by County Council.

  • After approval, contract or purchase order will be issued to vendor.


What are sourcing options used by the County?

  • Quotes - An informal process which solicits pricing information from several sources.

  • Sole Source with Justification - Sole source purchases are goods and services available from only one supplier.  There may be just one vendor because of patents or copyrights or simply because the vendor is the only one which supplies the good or service.  These purchases are exempt from the standard bidding requirement.  The County may be required to certify that only one supplier is available. 

  • Invitation for Bids (IFB) - A department will request a product or service it needs and solicit bids from prospective contractors.

  • Request for Proposal (RFP) - A department will request a product or service it needs, and solicit proposals from prospective contractors on how they intend to carry out that request, and at what price.

  • Request for Qualifications (RFQ) - Professional services are those master planning, planning, environmental, real estate acquisition, pre-construction and other construction related services associated with the practice of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, interior design, and construction management.
What are the County’s purchasing thresholds?
  • Purchases under $1,500.00 are made by a department submitting a purchase requisition that they deem a fair and reasonable cost.

  • Purchases between $1,500.00 and $5,000.00 need 2 written quotes prior to being submitted to Procurement.

  • Purchases between $5,000.01 and $25,000.00 need 3 written quotes prior to being submitted to Procurement.

  • Purchases of $25,000.01 and up must follow the competitive sealed solicitation process.  A purchase that is over $50,000.00 will have to be presented to County Council.
Are bid performance and payment bonds required for all solicitations?

Bid, performance and payment bonds will be necessary if stated in the solicitation document.


What if my bid is late?

Late bids are not accepted and will not be taken into consideration during the evaluation process. 

How can a vendor access solicitation results?

Responding vendors are notified at the time of the Intent to Award. 


What are the County's payment terms?

Payments will be made net thirty (30) after the acceptance of completed order/project.  Early payment discount, if available, will be calculated from date of acceptance. 

What days are checks mailed out?

Checks are mailed out from the County every Friday. 

Does the County pay sales tax?



How does the County dispose of surplus items?

The County currently auctions those surplus items at

How can I apply to the County Wrecker Rotation Service?

For information on how to apply for the wrecker rotation, please call 803-785-8107.