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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th in observance of the Presidents' Day holiday.
Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM 

Financial Transparency

The following three reports are prepared each month to help with the orderly, timely release of financial information at the Fund, Department, and Transactional levels.


1- The Fund Account Activity Report (Balance Sheet) This report is in Fund Order and displays the Balance Sheet of each Fund. (Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balance Accounts)


2- The Budget Status Report (By Departmental Line-Item) This report displays Current Budget, Amount Spent, Amount Encumbered, and Remaining Balance by line-item, within each Department, sorted by Fund.


3- Organizational Detail Activity (By Departmental Transaction) This report provides the Transaction Detail for each line-item in report No. 2.  

FY 2024-2025

FY 2023-2024

FY 2022-2023

FY 2021-2022

FY 2020-2021

FY 2019-2020

FY 2018-2019

FY 2017-2018

FY 2016-2017

FY 2015-2016

FY 2014-2015

FY 2013-2014

FY 2012-2013

FY 2011-2012

FY 2010-2011

FY 2009-2010