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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Lexington County Administrative offices are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 5 PM

Code Enforcement

The Zoning Ordinance and other County Ordinances are enforced throughout the unincorporated areas of  Lexington County by the Code Enforcement Officers of the Lexington County Sheriff’s Department. Code Enforcement Officers are sworn law enforcement officers who receive the same instruction, training, and equipment as regular patrol deputies. Code Enforcement Officers receive additional training concerning complex county code ordinances and state laws.


Code Enforcement Officers are responsible for enforcing code violations which address public health and safety issues, including regulations involving sign violations, impact noise, unregistered vehicles, and other Zoning Ordinance infractions. Enforcement actions are taken both proactively and in response to citizen complaints.

For information regarding the Zoning Ordinance, please call the Zoning Office at 785-8121.